Cat in Blooming
Amidst the vibrant blossoms, a graceful cat finds its place. With elegance and curiosity, it explores a world of color and fragrance. Embrace the beauty of nature with your feline friend by your side. Together, create memories amidst the blooms that will forever be cherished. Let the cat in blooming fill your heart with joy and wonder.
在生機勃勃的花朵中,一隻優雅的貓找到了自己的位置。 帶著優雅與好奇,它探索色彩與芬芳的世界。 和你的貓咪一起擁抱大自然的美麗。 一起在花朵中創造永遠值得珍惜的回憶。 讓盛開的貓咪讓你的心充滿歡樂和驚奇。
Glamorousky 925 Sterling Silver Plated Rose Gold Fashion Sweet Hollow Cat Flower Earrings with Cubic Zirconia
Glamorousky 925純銀鍍玫瑰金時尚甜美鏤空猫咪花朵耳環配鋯石
Price: HK$48
Item no.: 1000064701